Blog posts tagged with 'breathing problems'

Breathing Problems in Younger Ones


Breathing trouble in younger ones.


Hi, here we are with our another blog in the series of health and fitness. Now in this blog, we are about to discuss the problems that young baby would face when it comes up to respiration.

according to a recent survey,

Newborn babies suffer from respiratory problems which is one of the most severe in nature, and because of this problem, the infant is often sent to get admitted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit popularly known as [NICU]. The common reason for such a deficiency of substance is called 'surfacing lung infection' excretions of faecal matter into the lung and malformations of the lung, these are a series of illness and require expert care in a NICU.

To whom does the breathing problem occur?

it is not necessary that only young infants suffer from respiratory problems but even those who are above the age of 2 suffer from severe respiratory diseases and lung infections.

Children suffer from infection and allergies both of which lead to breathing problems. Respiratory infections are divided into upper respiratory infection [URI] and lower respiratory infection [LRI] most cold and cough are caused when the upper respiratory infection last between 7 and 15 days, and a self-limiting do not need any medication that is why they are called the common cold. Children under 2 years have about six upper respiratory infections in a year or more if they are in daycare settings simple home remedies like cleaning nostrils of baby with saline and nasal aspirator.

Helping older kids is quite a bit probable and easy to tackle with such situations just remember drinking plenty of warm liquid. this will be way more helpful as it will confer their throat thus keeping them well hydrated apart from being well rested, this is all that is needed to cure a common cold. We generally discourage the use of cold medicines as they can have serious side effects on babies for less than 6 months of age.

Cough suppressants, In particular, may cause harm in children for less than 4 years of age, older children require hardly any care and may even continue on with normal School however some common cold can turn into a painful ear infection, sinus infections and chest congestion.

Hence, it is prudent to follow up with your paediatrician if the fever does not go settle down in 3 days sputum turns yellow, green then it could last for more than 10 to 15 days or it even symbolises the situation when the child seems unusually uncomfortable or cranky.

Lower respiratory tract infections like 'pneumonia' can be life-threatening this may start off like the innocuous common cold but as it is rapidly progressive with high fever and fast breathing that is needed to be seen by a doctor who would probably diagnose them after a physical examination and chest X-ray if needed treatment can B complex with intravenous antibiotics oxygen therapy and ICU care. Worldwide ammonia is the second most common cause of death in children who are less than 5 years these can be prevented by exclusive breastfeeding till 6 months of age and use of vaccines like pneumococcal and hip vaccines good cough hygiene and hand hygiene can help prevent the spread of infections among children.

Allergies causing breathing problem.

Wheezing is a sign that the airways take into the lungs that are inflamed wet cough and in some cases, a musical sound heard to the chest called a wheeze, infections and allergies both Trigger wheezing most wheezing in small children is triggered by a viral infection. persistent for recurrent wheezing is called asthma. wheezing and asthma are treated by inhaled medication given via Nebulizer  or through metered dose inhalers the medications are divided into bronchodilators medicines which relax the muscles which fly in the air passages and preventers those which reduce the information of air passages both need to be given till inflammation in the air passage subside there are many misconceptions about the use of medicines these are actually very effective the treatment also includes prevention of the allergen exposure.

This includes avoiding smoke taking does control measures in the child immediate environment and avoiding precipitating events or stimuli. in survey cases seen and Allergy specialist may help identify and reduce or modify the energy some children have associated skin allergy nasal allergy and eye allergy some of the Civil affected children may even need a multidisciplinary team to look after various energies.



Breathing problem in the newborn is always severe and needs to be evaluated urgently preferably in a (NICU) sending in young children, the commonest breathing problem is a common cold and requires rest fluid and fever control. If the child has a high fever and is breathing fast and is not eating well it may be a lower respiratory infection thus it is suggested for you to please see a doctor right away. if the child has a wheezing problem see a doctor sort out whether it is an allergy infection or both. inhaled medications are safe and can effectively treat and prevent wheezing.

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